

Product Type:
A two pack aliphatic acrylic polyurethane high gloss top coat with outstanding weathering resistance and color retention properties. These products are completely free from Lead content. Due to its excellent toughness and chemical resistance properties, it finds extensive use in coastal and chemical environment.

Recommended Use:
Oil Refineries, Fertilizer Plants, Petrochemical Units, Marine Installations, Chemical Plants, Transportation Industries, Power Plants, Rail coach & Chemical wagon exteriors, Offshore Structures.

Product Type:
A two pack acrylic resin cured by Isocyanate anticorrosive primer containing Zinc phosphate pigment. The red version contains red oxide of iron apart from zinc phosphate. The primer gives excellent adhesion to steel. It is compatible with a wide range of topcoats and thus forms highly efficient protective schemes for corrosive, coastal and chemical environments.

Recommended Use:
As primer for marine and chemical environment as in: Pulp and paper mills, Refineries, Petrochemicals, Fertilizer units, Metal and Engineering industries.

Product Type:
A two pack poly siloxane high gloss top coat with outstanding weathering resistance and color retention properties. These products are completely free from Lead content. Due to its excellent toughness and chemical resistance properties, it finds extensive use in coastal and chemical environment.

Recommended Use:
Specially designed for use on any Substrate, Structures & Pipelines in Paper & Pulp, fertilizer plants, food & pharmaceutical plants, Refineries, Thermal power, Cranes, etc.

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